$59.99 USD

eBook Bundle

Hips and Knees: Clinical Success In Weight Training

You can't treat a knee without looking at the hip.

This book allows you to:

  •  Be clinically effective and efficient.
  • Quickly solving Hip and Knee problems and apply exercise solutions to them.
  • Know basic anatomy and biomechanics to understand how the problems exist and the focus is on what you can use to solve these common presentations that we meet in the gym.

Planes of motion.
Hip and Knee Testing.
Anatomy of the hip.
Anatomy of the knee.
Solutions to hip problems in weight training (hip shift, piriformis syndrome, FAI, patella tendinopathy).
Exercise toolkit.

Foundations Rebuild

In order to achieve the best, pain-free results from your training and daily living, a strong foundation must be built.

Content includes:

  • Shoulder Pain
  • Hip and Knee Pain
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Mastering Your Movement Patterns
  • Improving Your Posture
  • Muscle Activation


The Ultimate Glute Toolkit

Whether you are a coach or health professional, or just love your training, we have tailored this guide to to you!

All things glutes will be explained regarding:

  •  Improving daily living.
  •  Injury prevention and rehabilitaiton (lower back, hip and knee).
  •  Hypertrophy.
  •  Strength.
  •  Sporting performance.